Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Lovely Girlfriend and Some Embarassing Arse-hole in the Background

She's pretty and she's stressed to bits in Bintan right on holiday right before the exams. She's pretty and probably very embarassed to see her picture online. Aww, don't be stressed darling, you'll do fine..

Man, I do miss the sun. Oh, by the way, this is what a sunny day looks like taken by my handphone - looks like the bloody foggy London you see in movies. Is pollution really that bad or is my phone a monument to mediocre technology? Maybe the finger tracing technology compensates in this sense.. even a doodle would capture the scene slightly better.

He's into men and mantits. He plays ps2 games about making love to little girls' corpses and murdering docile creatures. You want to escape the shadow of his colossal wang, or what he likes to call his teeny tadger. How's Tiny Tim doing down there, Shaun?

Oh at least the camera's good enough to catch useless details like this, lololol.


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